Friday 15 November 2013

These are my colour studies for my Warrior Character. I have a rough war paint design to them to get the feel of what they would look like. Its thought Woad a cabbage type plant was used to make their warpaint. But now recently Woad is thought to be an unlikely source of the blue colouring as it is irritable. The accounts of Julius Caesar lead to belief of it being blue war paint, however they most likely used copper ore if anything which is a more blue/ green colour. There were also a few accounts of green war paint, as well as orange in areas of Belgium.
I prefer the red or brown cape and kilt than the blue ones, and a more gold/ bronze helm than silver or steel. Over all my favourite is the second one, in red with green war paint. I also like the black war paint but it doesn't relate to any historical evidence. The last yellow/ gold version was because I had the idea of my warrior being the living embodiment of Lugh the celtic sun god, who was the best warrior. That design was a bit to bright war paint wise though.

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