Thursday 15 May 2014


Bump maps were left out for now as I had little time to apply them all, and also those I tested didn't have an effect I desired they made black blotchy bits appear on the objects, perhaps they need re-making in crazy bump to get a nicer result.
I feel that when It comes to UDK I have learnt a lot, mainly because I made a lot of mistakes. Its important to know how critical it is where you save things, and that external materials or the like can have disastrous consequences. I learnt how to import materials and textures how to prefab and create terrains. I enjoy the terrain creating part which is good as I had to do it at least three times due to external files preventing me from saving. Im very happy with my terrain, although simple I think its highly effective. Although I had planned for the castle to be underwater, I had little time left to be so adventurous. The photos cant capture the movement of the water that makes it so good but hopefully you can see that in the video.

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