Friday, 20 March 2015

Initial Ideas and Brainstorm

I knew that I wanted to create an Environment/ environmental asset but didn't have any idea of what the 'why?' could be behind it other than making it look nice. So struggling with an Idea I had a brainstorm and came up with this list (originally scribbled down in my notebook). I had a column for what the environment would be, and a column of what that represents, it 'why?'.
       Environment     /      Why?

  • Pillow Land / Safety & comfort
  • Deserted, Derelict room / Isolation
  • Dr Seuss style/ Fun, happy, childhood
  • Dark fantasy woods/ Lost (magical danger of the path)
  • Haunted House/ Never alone
  • Micro-world/ Educational and great views
  • Carnival/ fun happy (dark undertones)
  • Dream world/ Lucidity, lack of control, insanity
  • An Old temple/ Gods long forgotten
  • Lost treasure/ the spirit of adventure
  • Nightmare world/ world of fears and phobias
  • Mars/ Future possibilites 
After this brainstorm I started to look into the idea of an occult based environment, because I really enjoy the imagery and stories of occult eg witches and secret societies. Abandoned place have always interested me and I to make my own would of been really interesting. I started to look at abandoned churches and religious sites thinking that the way for my environment could be to do with the deterioration of religion/ faith or sacrilege and how one religion would vandalise an others sacred grounds.
This and the bottom picture is the kind of dilapidated abandoned places i wanted to do, with peeling wallpaper, molde, stains and dust everywhere. 
This is just something I found whilst thinking of doing a piece in which the environments why would be to do with sacrilege. Thought that this was some pretty scary vandalism. 
This is an abandoned asylum perfect environment for a horror scene.

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