Tuesday 24 March 2015

My Intial Proposal

I intend to create a 3D environment that evokes a sense of fear, similar to that which you felt as a small child where your imagination blows things out of proportion or out of reality completely. I want the environment to make you question your surroundings: are the things you’re seeing really there, are you really there? Perhaps it’s a bad dream, a childhood memory on repeat, or maybe it’s all real and you have run away from home and now find yourself without the protection of your family; on your own, in a seemingly much darker world.
I wish to elicit a response from the player; specifically feelings of isolation and abandonment through the use of visual and sound stimuli as well as a sense of unease and wonder when confronted with a mysterious abandoned carousel. The carousel as an asset should embody the spirit of the carnival, which I feel, is made to entertain and be fun and jolly however they also seem to have a dark and threatening undertone.
I would like to create this environment taking inspiration from the works of Dave McKean, in particular his colour ranges.

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