Saturday, 29 March 2014

Research into Asian Castles, Lead to the idea of an Underwater Castle of Atlantis

I felt that I should not succumb to my first Idea of a stylised gothic Castle straight away, I felt that i should explore different Castle types so I can produce a range of Ideas and pick the best instead of the first one that comes along. 
Again with the overwhelming scale of the castles which provides a dramatic setting. The colour scheme in both of these is beautiful. The oriental architecture of these castles is much more square and cubist in style than those of the European castles I previously looked at, I really like the style. 
 I researched further into Chinese Architecture which led me onto underwater castles as I stumbled across images of the ancient city of Shi Cheng also known as the Lion City located in the province of Zhejiang. This got me thinking a lot about the lost city of Atlantis and underwater castles and thus onto The Little Mermaid.
Above is concept art for Arial's underwater castle. I enjoy the fantasy of an underwater world and how the  sea life is incorporated into the architecture. I went on to explore the concept of an underwater castle more.
Having a castle based around the myth of Atlantis would allow me to experiment widely with the architecture I use. There is no confines to what I could do as there it is not real. I could take inspiration from a jumble of cultures and combine it, or perhaps give it a futuristic style as Atlantis was supposed to be technologically advanced way before its time.

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