Friday, 7 November 2014

Unity Experementation

This is a post which just scratches the surface of how much I learnt to do in Unity, I started of by creating a terrain. Then Created a tree, I spent a lot of time using the tree tool and trying to manipulate it to do what I wanted, which was to make swamp like trees which had big roots. I did succeed but I could only ever make the one tree and not change one without changing them all. It seemed silly that the program acted like this but the tree tool was made to be used as a terrain brush to create many of the same tree, which is not what i wanted. For what I wanted it I would have to make each tree in maya then import it in, which i was advised against as its only a demo, not the real thing.
So I learnt how to create fog and change all the different variables e.g. colour, opacity, rotation. There are lot more complicated ones.
Below is the first level design that I did but I had to end up getting rid of it as it had an unfixable amount of errors in. By this I mean it would of took longer to fix them all than to just start again. I am unsure as what the cause to all the errors was, next time I shall keep a closer look on error count so I know what is doing the damage. The environment consisted of gigantic trees upon hills which had big roots showing, to carry on the effect of the roots without making them I used the terrain tool to get the appearance that some where just under the ground. 
Below is a screenshot of gameplay, you are in the valley type thing between the trees root hills, I like this shot as it gets across the feel I wanted to achieve. The blend of colours just feel dreamy to me, and the way that you can see the direction of where you need to go but not where you going.
The image below shows the scale, of just how big the trees are. I imported this old house from the unity asset store as i wanted random assets dotted around the forest to make it surreal, I think it intriguing to have this old american style wooden house nestled in amongst the roots of a huge tree. Within the game you kind of become drawn to it, as the pathways lead you there and the different silhouette within the fog attracts your attention.
Below is the view reached when looking out from an area that can only be reached by hopping from one platform to the other, these are shown it it. Again the fog blocks your view in such a way that you can see the direction to go but not the destination. Unfortunately in some places the skybox can be seen through the fog no matter what.
To make it easier on the computer ( stop it chugging) I changed it from having the fog in a fixed position all over the environment to only having a small square of fog attached to the character, so no matter where you went you were always shrouded in a cloak of fog. I got it so the fog was attached to but moved independently of the character.
Underneath is the view from upon the peak of a hill, you can just make out the neighbouring giant tree through the dreamy purple fogs.

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