Thursday 23 April 2015

Z-brush Re-cap with Mark

I had a z-brush session today with Mark to help me get to grips with it. If i'm honest I think I am now more scared of it than I was before, I know I just need to spend time to do tutorials get it all in my head. I haven't been able to do any at the weekend as Z-brush always over heats my Mac but I plan on doing some when I get back. 
However i'm worried that I wont learn it in time to get everything perfected for hand in. 
Mark gave me some names to look up for useful tutorials, from what i learnt form the session poly-groups are vital, so I think i'm going to try and perfect using them first and then maybe hard surfacing. 
(look up Danny Williams/ pointpusher, Raphael Grasseti, Zbrush summit)

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