This project was based off a concept from the Last of Us DLC and is rendered in real-time in UDK engine. The entire scene is ~100k tri's and all aspects were done by me. All elements are modular and the grass/vines/leaves are cards created and baked out in Maya. Programs used: Zbrush, Maya, UDK, Mudbox, Knald, xNormal, Photoshop and Premiere.

Annoyingly this is pretty much exactly what I want to do, although I want mine to create a more sinister feeling than this as this gives of quite a warm atmosphere even though its meant to be abandoned. I imagine this is due to the lights which looks really good and I want to do the same however if this means that It gives a warm feeling I may re-think that idea. Apart from the broken fence and ivy growing up it, Its hard to tell that this is meant to be abandoned. Hopefully mine will get across that it is derelict but perhaps not totally abandoned, be more spooky.
Here we can see just how low poly his final version is, it is pretty impressive the amount of detail he has got in to something this low poly. I imagine mine will be a slightly larger carousal overall.
These are good but I am hoping for mine to be better to stronger form, perhaps more high poly all together. Also he only used one type of horse although he did alternate the colours, I will probably do the same but am hoping to have more than one to show the variation of carousal horses, some of them may also be damaged missing limbs, scratched and graffitied.The environment enhances the effect of it being abandoned muchly, it looks much better as part of something than on its own.
Hi Seb, is this model available somewhere? I love it. Is it for sale?