Thursday 20 February 2014

I inserted the arms as z-spheres on a new layer, I then made the Z-spheres into an adaptive skin and started to sculpt the arms out using mainly a move tool. Which was probably the wrong one to use. I really didn't like the way that the hands were looking, being tortoise/human hybrid hands I attempted to give them a certain reptilian look. I choose to give him only 3 fingers and a thumb. I choose to pose my characters hands in that of the chines greeting or Buddhist pose, I feel that this pose helps get across the personification of patience. Buddhists are renown for their patience, such as spending months in a state of meditation in attempt to reach further enlightenment. The golden figure is a statue of the chines dragon turtle, which is mainly a good luck charm for many things one of which is Longevity, another link to the virtue patience.

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