Sunday 16 February 2014

 This is my Character design, In an attempt to combine my knight idea with that of one I had about a tortoise, I ended up designing a tortoise knight, an anthropomorphic hybrid of tortoise and man. Still wanting some kind of helm, I gave my tortoise a hard head piece to protect him like a helmet would a knight. The breastplate of my knight, is now part of him as he is a turtle, while studying the different natural patterns tortoises have on them, I found this (to the left) shell which I really liked the look of so incorporated it into my character. When thinking about my character I have to think hard, as I really don't want it to look like a Teenage mutant ninja turtle rip of. Thats partly why I felt mine needed a headpiece. I had trouble drawing out the hands as a hybrid. Im unsure weather to give my character a metal shell, for the knight side of him.

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