Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Focus 2: Technical & Cultural Trends

An essay containing a full bibliography and correctly formatted citations. This project considers technical, cultural and social trends for gaming futures; new frontiers continue to emerge in areas unimaginable just a few years ago and technological advancements are reshaping the gaming landscape. Occulus VR’s ambition is to have a virtual reality headset in every home, it might be next year it might be five years from now. Occulus Rift Creator, Palmer Lucke, 2014.

This project addresses the key areas of study as follows:
Business and Professional Skills: You will learn theoretical elements essential to the
practical design process of a commercially or critically successful digital game. You will gain
further understanding of the development of game modes and industries, presenting findings in a professional and appropriate manner.
Contextual Studies: You will undertake extensive primary and secondary research. Using
analogue (books, journals, etc.) and digital (websites, e-journals, academic blogs) sources to evidence your understanding of theories and practices you will apply these through critical analysis and integrate them into your practice. The tone of the research must be academic and investigative, and should be communicated with clarity and creativity.

To write an academic essay on the Benefits of virtual reality, focusing on military and medicinal applications. I choose to research into these applications as they interest me, and I know little about them. I don't know a great deal about virtual reality in itself so it should be interesting to research into it. I need to come up with a suitable title for my Essay to help me construct it accordingly.

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