Thursday 8 January 2015

Point of View

I had drawn out a few concepts for my Black Mesa environment painting the night before, and this morning had a talk with Nigel. He helped me a lot in how I could Improve the idea that I had settled on. He taught/ reminded me how the point of view can have a great impact on the feel the viewer gets from the image. He used the example of comics as using viewpoints a lot, for example when Jonah Jameson shouts at Peter Parker it'll often be shot from a worm's eye view to give a dramatic, intimidating effect. Then when showing Peter Parker being shouted at they may use more of a bird eyes view to show that he is being intimidated. Birds eye views are more to show the view the whole of the situation rather than exaggerate the feel. Eye level in which my first sketch's were in doesn't give us any meaning, it makes us think the image is normal, standard, everyday. I am glad I talked to Nigel as otherwise I would of carried on with an eye level piece which now I see is actually pretty boring despite what is in the scene.
Example of worm eye view creating feeling of intimidation.

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