Tuesday 14 October 2014

Train (or How I Dumped Electricity and Learned to Love Design)

In our group we watched an hour long GDC presentation by Brenda (Romero) Brathwaite called: Train ( How I Dumped Electricity and Learned to Love Design)
I found this hard work to listen to, and unfortunately (due to narcolepsy) missed the majority of it. To start with I didn't really understand what it was all about due to my drowsiness  but after reading up on it on http://venturebeat.com/2013/05/11/brenda-romero-train-board-game-holocaust/ I really appreciated it much more. I had never given much thought to how much of a deep meaning a game could to get across, especially a board game. It interested me to hear of all the different reactions that the game evoked in people. Train explores complicity, she say “People blindly follow rules, Will they blindly follow rules that come out of a Nazi typewriter?”. This presentation really changed the way that I look at games, and how that they can be in there own way like a piece of fine art, the meaning is in the mechanics.

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